Wednesday 19 March 2008


Sowing sowing sowing - knocking in a few posts for the sweet peas, transplanting the yarrow (did you know that's a cut flower too?), sowing the dahlias... The land is still too wet to rotavate some more beds but fortunately I had prepared a few in advance.

The excursion to Alanus Hochschule was very interesting: from a college very remeniscent of Emerson College with 160 students just 8 years ago they have changed into a fully accredited art university where you can (but don't have to) include anthrposophy as part of your training. So 3/4 of the students don't do anything anthroposophically and 1/4 does... Now they have 450 students, all between 18 and 25 years old, and they are set to grow to 800 in the next couple of years. What an example for the future!

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