Sunday, 28 September 2008

soaking grains / antinutrients

Whole Grains
This information on Traditional Whole Grains comes, with permission, from “Nourishing Traditions”, by Sally Fallon, Revised Second Edition, New Trends Publishing, 2001, p 452-454.

“The simple practice of soaking cracked or rolled cereal grains overnight will vastly improve their nutritional benefits.”

The well-meaning advice of many nutritionist to consume whole grains as ancestors did and not refined flours and polished rice, is misleading and often harmful in its consequences, for while our ancestors ate whole grains, they did not consume them as presented in our modern cookbooks in the form of quick-rise breads, granolas and other hastily prepared casseroles and concoctions. Our ancestors, and virtually all pre-industrialized peoples soaked or fermented their grains before making them into porridge, breads, cakes and casseroles. A quick review of grain recipes from around the world will prove our point. In India rice and lentils are fermented for at least two days before they are prepared as idli and dosas. In Africa the natives soak coarsely ground corn overnight before adding it to soups and stews, and they ferment corn or millet for several days to produce a porridge called ogi. A similar dish made from oats was traditional among the Welsh. In some Oriental and Latin American countries rice receives a long fermentation before it is prepared. Ethiopians make their distinctive injera bread by fermenting a grain called teff for several days. Mexican corn cakes, called pozol, are fermented for several days and for as long as two weeks in banana leaves. Before the introduction of commercial brewers yeast, Europeans made slow-rise breads from fermented starters; in America the pioneers were known for their sourdough breads, pancakes and biscuits, and throughout Europe grains were soaked overnight, and for a long as several days, in water or soured milk before they were cooked and serve as porridge or gruel. (Many of our senior citizens may remember that in earlier times the instructions on the oatmeal box called for an overnight soaking).

This is not the place to speculate on that mysterious instructive spirit that taught our ancestors to soak and ferment their grains before eating them, the important thing to realize is that these practices accord very well with what modern science has discovered about grains. All grains contain phytic acid (an organic acid in which phosphorous is bound) in the outer layer or bran. Untreated phytic acid can combine with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron especially zinc in the intestinal track and block their absorption. This is why a diet high in unfermented whole grains may led to serious mineral deficiencies and bone loss. The modern misguided practice of consuming large amounts of unprocessed bran often improves colon transit time at first but may lead to irritable bowel syndrome and, in the long term, many other adverse effects. Soaking allows enzyme, lactobacilli and other helpful organisms to break down and neutralize phytic acid. As little as seven hours of soaking in warm acidulated water will neutralize a large portion of phytic acid in grains. The simple practice of soaking cracked or rolled cereal grains overnight will vastly improve their nutritional benefits.

Soaking in warm water also neutralizes enzyme inhibitors, present in all seeds, and encourages the production of numerous beneficial enzymes. The action of these enzymes also increases the amounts of many vitamins, especially B vitamins.

“A diet high in unfermented whole grains may led to serious mineral deficiencies and bone loss.”

Scientists have learned that the proteins in grains, especially gluten, are very difficult to digest. A diet high in unfermented whole grains, particularly high-gluten grains like wheat, puts an enormous strain on the whole digestive mechanism. When this mechanism breaks down with age or overuse, the results take the form of allergies, celiac disease, mental illness, chronic indigestion and candida albicans overgrowth. Recent research links gluten intolerance with multiple sclerosis. During the process of soaking and fermenting, gluten and other difficult-to-digest proteins are partially broken down into simpler components that are more readily available for absorption.

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Grains fall into two general categories. Those containing gluten, such as oats, rye, barley and especially wheat, should not be consumed unless they have been soaked or fermented; buckwheat, rice and millet do not contain gluten and are, on the whole, more easily digested. Whole rice and whole millet contain lower amounts of phytates than other grains so it is not absolutely necessary to soak them. However, they should be gently steamed for at least two hours in a high-mineral gelatinous broth. This will neutralize some of the phytates they do contain and provide additional minerals to compensate for those that are still bound; while the gelatin in the broth will greatly facilitate digestion. We do not recommend the pressure cooker for grains because it cooks them too quickly.

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Our readers will notice that our recipes for breakfast cereals are all porridges that have been soaked overnight before they are cooked. If you buy grains that have been rolled or cracked, they should be in packages and not taken form bins, where they have a tendency to go rancid. Even better, buy organic or biodynamic whole grains and roll or crack them yourself using a roller or a grain grinder (See sources.) You may also add a little ground flax seed to start your day with a ration of omega 3 fatty acids. (Flax seed is low in phytic acid and does not require soaking if it is eaten in small amounts.) These porridges marry very well with butter or cream, whose fat-soluble activators provide the necessary catalyst for mineral absorption. Those with milk allergies can usually tolerate a little cream on their breakfast cereal or can eat them with butter –a delicious combination. We do not recommend soy milk, which contains many antinutrients.

Nor we do recommend granola, a popular “health” food made from grains subjected only to dry heat and, therefore, extremely indigestible. Granola, like all processed breakfast cereals, should have no place on our cupboards shelves. Boxed breakfast cereals are made by the extrusion process, in which little flakes and shapes are formed at high temperatures and pressures. Extrusion processing destroys many nutrients in grains, causes fragile oils to become rancid and renders certain proteins toxic. For a new generation of hardy children, we must return to the breakfast cereals of our ancestors –soaked gruels and porridges.

Another link: Weston A. Price Foundation


Anonymous said...

" Africa the natives..."

So fucking much for 'biodynamic' representing some sort of super-enlightenement

ORMUS said...

*the posts made by me on this blog do not represent the views of the biodynamic movement (TM)*

somewhat of a reactionary comment...