Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Petition to ensure encouragement of renewable energy

In the current economic crisis, the government is considering massive funding to protect jobs, our industry and economy. This is a golden opportunity to support technologies, and activity, that will help save our planet – particularly around energy use – moving towards a “zero carbon Britain”. It is vital that funding is targeted on areas which will actually help the quality of our lives – and to sustain our global environment – rather than just trying to keep up consumption.

Germany shows what could be achieved - having created 250,000 jobs in the renewable energy sector. In the UK, we have created a mere 2 to 3 thousand – even though we are pioneering research in some of the technologies – e.g. wave power, and we have industrial skills that could be readily applied (e.g. aerospace to wind power)

This is a golden opportunity to make Britain a world leader in renewable technologies, ensuring our future prosperity, as well as the future of our planet.

If you would like to support the petition, click on the link above!

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