Monday, 20 April 2009

hello all

i am greatly enjoying time off. my brain has officially shut down and i am in a beautiful place and the sun is shining. I have bought my first home, a 10 ft x 10 ft wall tent and will be moving to the farm in just over one week. i am excited and as good as the break has been i am so ready to get dirty, plant some seeds make some cheese and milk some goats/sheep.
funny story:
yesterday i was hunting for morel mushrooms with some friends in the woods. as i was face to face (literally, crawling) with the soil through the under story of the forest, looking at all the lovely critters and marveling at decomposing leafs, i began to think on fungi. (fitting, because i was looking for fungi) the mystery of it and the beauty of all mushrooms especally the morel! i then started wondering what roll gnomes may play in the mysterious growth habits of mushrooms....... when to my surprise every other crawl on my belly through the forest reveled yet another morel! larger than the last!!! so of course, i thanked the gnomes and continued to be amazed by the beauty and size of the mushrooms i was being gifted by said gnomes.... of course they would be gifting me what i sought out of appreciation for me recognizing their roll in the fungi world!
after 2 hours of crawling in the leaf litter i was called to lunch. i was so excited so show everyone how skilled i was and tell them my secret! (gnome appreciation) and suggest they try it too. my friend Dan was the first to tell me, all the mushrooms i had painfully and tediously gathered were false morels. he dumped them out onto the ground an showed me the difference so i wouldn't be fooled again.
Fooled i was. and you know i could almost hear all of the little gnomes laughing hysterically.
tricky bastards.
all the best of love and luck to all.
watch out for gnomes, bulls and pigs on your placements

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Erin,

As I can not post anything on the blog and can't figure out why not, I will react to you in this way!
Very happy to hear you are well and very enthusiastic!
Here in Botton life starts to unfold and believe me, working the land feels like the only thing I want to do! I am crawling over the fresh shoots and weed, water, plant, harvest among gnomes, and many other beings.
The area here is dazzzzling with natural beauty and the people here are full of good will and attempt to work together in a good way!
We'll keep in touch! say hello to these wonderful goats of yours!