Saturday 9 May 2009

What's happening at emerson?

Things are thriving here as usual! The may fair has just passed (Arjen, Rob, and others dancing merrily before a very large crowd of people ranging from outsiders to ex-emersonians to scientlogists and even anthroposophists! The courses are well on their way and coming closer to their endings, and someone’s been rotivating up about a quarter of an acre behind carson!??

Well, it seems as though a lot is transpiring here at Emerson, in the garden and in the course. Im sure most of you already know the Neir (spelling?) has joined Arjen in carrying the course. I get the sense that they both have been working extremely hard since all of us began our placements and/or took our leave from Emerson, and I believe that there are a few things in the cooker for the course itself which is very good.

The lunches now include a few things from the garden! Amazing huh? After all that whining we did in october about Emerson not having a garden and now it is no longer only talk or planning but reality. Yes, there is plenty in the ground and it is only getting buisier.

Well, i send my blessings to you all and i hope your biodynamicing is going great!

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